Chidi Odinanwa © 2022
You can choose to be successful and you can also choose to stay successful. To be successful is one thing and to stay successful means another thing.
What to do to be successful is different from what to do to stay or remain successful. The attitude towards attaining a height or achieving a feat is quite different from maintaining such.
The same principles may apply, but methods may have to change. The efforts you put in may be the same but strategy may be different.
Success has no stop. Success is both a journey and destination, but you can choose which one it is for you. That's why each of us have to define what success means to us.
Just as nobody owns any day, nobody owns success. What you make of every day and the events of that day delivers the kind of result you deserve.
Success has expiry date and that date is called TODAY. You want to have or be successful everyday, you must put in the efforts and resources required. That's the only way to stay successful.
Success has a price, you pay with your time. Everyone has equal access to success. If you're successful today, you may not be tomorrow. Anyone can be successful. Success is a decision.
Remain inspired, purposeful, and successful.